Out of Body Experience

On Tuesday, February 4th, I began experiencing what I later realized were actual contractions. I didn't think too much of it because they only lasted during the early morning hours and subsided later that day. It was a different story when Wednesday, February 5th rolled around. The contractions began at midnight and stayed. I didn't know I was experiencing legitimate contractions. I just thought they were the pre-labor contractions I read about. I figured, my next appointment with my doctor was on the morning of the 5th, so I would ride it out. But the pain was so intense. For eight hours, I had 1 minute contractions in 5 minute intervals. Then later in the morning, they became a little less consistent, but still intense when they came. I didn't know that my doctor would have me admitted to the hospital, but it looked like baby girl was ready. My doctor told me I was already halfway there, dilated at a 5. It becomes kind of blurry after I was admitted into the hospital...