My Dad is Dying

I just saw my dad. As soon as he spoke, I knew. He called me Pido. His pet name for me. I don't think he will experience 2021. These tears are caused by a life review. I have always wanted a father. I have always wanted a father who was present, engaged, communicative. I have always wanted a family. I don't even know what parents are. Are they the two sick, broken people that made me? The two people who tortured each other, abused each other, hated each other, but believed in until death do us part? How do you mourn over someone you don't even know? I suppose it's the same way I mourned over the man that is my daughter's father. My God this year has been hard for so many reasons. I tend to look at life as positive as possible. It's what makes me, me. This life review has made me think about everything. It has made me want to reach out to my daughter's father, to tell him that my daughter won't even know her grandparents, that perhaps she could know he...