What is Truth?

I haven't written for what seems like forever. I find myself sifting through so much as I write these words. I think about the experiences I've had since giving birth. 

I find myself facing the new; new feelings, new experiences; a whole new life. I am also finding the opposite sex foreign and undesirable, in the romantic relationship type sense. It just doesn't make logical sense in my mind anymore. I have zero interest in spending what little time I do have, on anyone other than myself. As if I would ever miss an intimate relationship. Ha! I think that Aquarian independence is quite front and center after a life full of fairy tale bullshit. 

And let me tell you something. I don't know about any other woman's experiences. But after you give birth, priorities change. I could go the rest of my life not having sex. Seriously. 

I know what you're thinking. No. I am not bitter.

So, what is truth? Do you really think that there is just one truth out there? How many people are on earth? There are somewhere around 7.5 billion people on earth. That's around 7.5 billion truths.

The truth that I know, is of my own recollection of what I experienced as a result of my perspective of how I view life. That's really all there is to every single person's experiences. No one truly knows anyone. What we receive are bits and pieces of other people's perspectives on what they've encountered and witnessed and lived to tell about through their own set of eyes. 

I look back and have diverse emotions about my truth. The one person that I dislike, turned out to be the one person I love to the essence of who I am. Perhaps dislike is too strong of a word. The greatest gift of my life is my daughter. I wouldn't have her if I didn't have him. The craziest part of it all is that I don't even know who he is. We both don't know who he is for that matter. There is absolutely no trust at this point. Zero. And there is absolutely no interest in knowing him either. Zero.

It has been me and my beautiful side kick since day one of me finding out she would join me on my life journey. I prefer it that way now, to be honest. I am grateful because we do not need trash. We do not need toxic bullshit. We do not need drama. I'm done being nice to con artists. Perhaps, I'm simply done with the entire male species altogether. To keep them at arms length is to be at peace. 


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