
Showing posts from February, 2021


The only thing I have ever committed to in my life is my daughter. She is literally the only one.  Hell, there are so many years I hadn't even committed to myself. Years of self-doubt, years of self-sabotage. I even tried being a wife, twice, but I never really committed to being one. I didn't want to be abused by a second person. One was just enough - me. It wasn't until I found out I was pregnant and knew I would be doing it solo, that I committed to myself so I could commit to her.  Every single day that passes, I accept the circumstances in which she came into my life because she is literally the greatest miracle that brings me the greatest joy; a joy that will be unmatched for eternity.  I'm listening to a song by The Weekend that I hadn't heard before until very recently and wow does it resonate with me. It reminds me of my daughter's father, from the perspective of how I used to see life before my awakening happened. He has his own journey. I don't kn...

People Change

Have you ever heard of or used the phrase, "People don't change?" I am here to tell you that they do! People either change for the better or for the continuation of their pain-body.  The person who is unhealed, continues to attach to their trauma. It becomes a foundation for the relationships they have built with other people and a main factor in how they relate to them. They begin to seek it out and destroy other people's peace because they thrive on the pain. They cannot help themselves even when other people try to establish boundaries. Boundaries are like kryptonite for the trauma addict. They try to bring others into their drama and chaos when they have no business doing so and may not even be aware that they are doing it. Having not healed, a person most certainly changes. Only, their change continues to add on to the abundance of their unhealed trauma. It changes the person to become even more toxic.  The person who is on the path to healing, changes as well. T...