
The taboo. Sex. 

It’s interesting how my life experience has put me in roles that I didn’t necessarily ask for. They were just a part of the position. I’ve learned so much about sex. So let’s talk about it; not in the Salt n Peppa style though. 

I am a Title IX investigator. 

I often ask “why” about so many things. I found myself asking, why am I a title IX investigator? The first time I was exposed to what title IX was all about, was through my role at the former university in which I was employed. The training I was a part of and the content of information I learned about terrified me, for so many reasons and on so many levels. 

Title IX taught me that what I have experienced in my own life, consisted of multiple grounds for legitimate cases for title IX. I understand now why I am in this role even if I do not necessarily want to be. It’s true that none of us are educated about this either. We don’t take a class in school about this. Is it up to our parents to talk to us about boundaries and consent? 

Knowing the depth and breadth of the realm of title IX, I am literally being forced to learn about what I could have done to protect myself. Now, I get to do that for others. 

“When you don’t acknowledge the behavior, you perpetuate the behavior.” 


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