
One of the conversations I had with my daughter's father a couple of months ago was that he said this situation will not bring us closer together. And he was right. It has not and it will not. But at this point, I don't think it was supposed to. I want to tell him that even though it didn't bring us closer together, it brought me closer to myself. And for me, that's the whole purpose of this situation; the purpose of life itself; with each experience bringing us closer to ourselves, to meet ourselves, to learn self-love, to learn self-actualization. I hope that he has met himself as deep as I have met myself. Because then we understand that what we want as individuals does not have to comply with the standard marriage, house with white picket fence with 2.5 children living in the suburbs. We understand that it is ok to want things, do things, and experience things, in the manner in which we wish to experience them.

A whole level of love and forgiveness envelops my energy now. The evolution of self is what we all hope to accomplish. And in accomplishing this, we learn our truth and what we are here to do as individuals. No one completes us. We complete ourselves. And if we are lucky enough to find that one person that becomes a catalyst for us realize this...we all win.


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