
I first felt symptoms of my pregnancy about a month after conception. Of course I didn't know I was pregnant at the time. I just thought I wasn't feeling well. I was mysteriously nauseous, and I know my body well enough to know that it was not normal for me to be experiencing nausea.  I hadn't paid much attention to my missed period because it was normal for me to be somewhat inconsistent. But when my sister told me to buy a pregnancy test, and it came up positive, I was blown away. I had never seen the two lines before, distinct and obvious, in the traditional bubble gum pink color in all of their two lined glory. However, a second test the following morning would prove that my life was instantly changed forever.

The first trimester was not necessarily a wonderful experience, though, I feel like I didn't have it nearly as bad as some of the experiences my mama friends have told me about. I had nausea, acid reflux, minor headaches, crazy spells of hunger where I felt like I had a bottomless pit that couldn't be satiated, crazy spells of exhaustion where I felt I hadn't slept in years, and extreme fluctuations with my body temperature. However, the most significant thing was how uncomfortable it was to feel like my skin was being pulled from my bones. And I'm not being dramatic at all. The body has to stretch in order for the baby to have plenty of room to grow. And boy did I feel it. There is also this phrase called, "pregnancy brain" where you've spent years building a reputation as an intelligent, competent, and brilliant woman, but the hormones reduce your brain to mush and you almost feel like thinking and execution are foreign and inconsistent in nature.

The second trimester was a bit more interesting. The nausea went away, I'm not nearly as exhausted, not nearly as hungry. But I do have acid reflux a bit stronger than before, I have migraines which are so abnormal for me, and thankfully aren't too frequent, and I'm urinating like a racehorse, some days more than others. I feel like baby knows exactly where to kick my bladder, so my sleeping patterns are quite irregular. I get up in the middle of the night regularly. One thing that I have embraced is the physical changes. My baby belly is growing, though, it's not that big at four months. I feel her fluttering and buzzing sometimes. It is the most incredible experience of my life and I am embracing every single aspect of the diverse stages of motherhood. I am continually in awe of how magical a woman's body truly is.

Week 19 has been especially interesting. I am less than one week away from being 5 months pregnant. Within that time, my bust has greatly increased, which for me, is a big deal. I have never been able to fill a B cup, and now, I'm spilling over. It's comical to me. Also, baby girl has grown, significantly. It is pretty obvious now that I am pregnant. And I absolutely love it. I am so in love with my baby bump. The newfound love I have for my body is quite passionate. I love what it can do. I love what it is doing. I feel like I worship my body now. It's so special. My vessel, holding my child in me. Oh my God, it is a miracle.

At six months, I can now see her kicking me and see my skin move where she kicks. It is the most incredible thing to witness. It reminds me of the movie Space Balls when the poor guy is eating his soup and the alien bursts out of his stomach! HAHA!

Week 25. Baby girl is growing and she is getting heavier each day. I haven't had any back trouble which I am grateful for. On Week 25 day 3, she moved significantly enough to cut off my air supply. I almost passed out! But she knocked the wind out of me. So that was a crazy experience. I had to call my sister to supervise me. I got my blood pressure and blood sugar checked and both were completely normal. Today, at day 5, I have a minor busted blood vessel in my left eye that is kind of painful. But I didn't get enough oxygen, so it is normal and will pass. Crazy, huh?! HAHA! It's all good though. I'm good. Baby is good. We are blessed.

Third trimester. During the third trimester, I didn't know it was a thing, but apparently Pregnancy Rhinitis is a thing! It almost seems like allergies to a certain extent. But the nasal congestion I have been feeling has been quite annoying, but manageable. I just now have to make sure I'm taking kleenex with me everywhere I go.

Third trimester, week 29 has been fascinating. Baby girl is kicking more frequently and is much more active with the way she kicks. It is always an amazing feeling but even more intense than before.

Week 34. My acid reflux is heightened at this point. It doesn’t matter what I eat. I’ve learned the necessity to eat very small meals because it’s just not possible to eat that much anymore. Baby girl is taking up the room in my belly which restricts the amount I take in.

Sleep has become a little more challenging because baby girl is getting big! Napping is welcome.

They say that your tummy begins to be itchy as the baby grows bigger but I have not experienced this at all. What I have experienced are my shoulders being itchy. It has actually been torture. I have to moisturize them as often as I possibly can because of how uncomfortable it has become. It is the weirdest, most random symptom I have experienced as of late.

La linea negra. Every woman may or may not experience la linea negra. I have it under my navel. It has not traveled up onto my belly and I do not foresee it getting any longer.

Baby kicks have turned into baby literally looking like she is shapeshifting. It is so fascinating to watch! Because she is bigger, her movements are quite profound. It is no longer the little pitter patters but bigger moves.

Week 36. Everything hurts. My feet, legs, hips, back. haha! She is just getting extremely heavy. I am now waddling. I have to take extra time to get up because of the heaviness of my baby bump. I have to take extra time to walk. I have to take extra time for everything, really. I can't sleep very well. So it looks like for me, week 36 is what my momma friends have been telling me about.

Braxton Hicks contractions. Now I wasn't sure if I would experience these. I have read that they don't happen for some, and happen for others but are mild in nature. I read also that they occur but are not painful, but can be. What a contradiction! haha! 36 weeks and 4 days had me experience my own Braxton Hicks contractions and let me tell you, it was quite painful. It stopped me in my tracks! I couldn't move or it would intensify. My belly got tight, hard, felt like I was having extreme cramps. It stopped after a couple of minutes, but I knew immediately of what I had just experienced.

Also, nesting is real.

All of a miracle.

Every time she kicks, I fall more in love. She is amazing.


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