The Dove

I am thinking of her today.

I had a housewarming gift waiting for me when I moved into my new home back in early August. A beautiful dove and her nest. It is funny because she was not there when I did the walk throughs before and after the home inspection. She moved in when I did.

Do you believe in signs? I sure do. I see them all the time in various forms. 

She stayed until her babies hatched. I prayed for her and her babies when there were thunderstorms that rolled in, and she had to protect them from the elements. I watched her being rained upon. She was a warrior! She endured, she was strong, she did everything for them. I saw her go back and forth, tending to their needs. She always made me smile. I often talked to her to make sure she was ok. She wasn't afraid of me either. She never flew away when I was near. She let me watch her bravery and determination. It was so special. She loved them so much. 

The dove represents peace of the deepest kind. It is a spiritual messenger, a maternal symbol that helps us to go about our lives calmly and with purpose.

I will always think of her. 

Her nest is still up there, now vacant. 

...I really should buy a ladder. 


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