The Leap of Faith

The leap of faith.

If you are presented with a choice of taking a leap of faith, would you take it?

I did.

I wonder if I will ever take that leap of faith again. I probably will. But it will probably take some time. Several weeks ago, I was having a lovely conversation with a good friend of mine. I told her I took a leap of faith after almost being destroyed nearly two years prior. The leap of faith came at a time when I would be open to the idea of letting someone in. I felt like it was the right time. It felt right.

The intensity of the connection called to me. It would be that call that would set the stage for a new life.

To make a decision to be open to allow someone in was a big deal for me. And it was the one that would change it for the rest of my life.

I understand that life is not what it seems. What I feel I deserve is what I have been given, despite the conditions, timing, or circumstances.

If I had not taken that leap of faith, I wouldn't be growing my little baby in my tummy right now. And I am grateful for taking a chance. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have the greatest gift of my life doing the butterfly and backstroke in my uterus. Which, by the way, is an otherworldly feeling that puts a smile on my face every time she wants to get my attention.

There are lessons within all of the experiences. It is crucial to reflect on all of it because there might be a piece of wisdom that until it is reflected upon, is overlooked. What is this experience trying to teach me?

This experience, by far, has taught me that I deserve my happy ending, I deserve my baby girl, my family, my love, my life, my right to be seen, my right to be heard, my right to be validated, my right to be loved, my purpose, my identity as a loving person who has so much love to give in return. Do you see why I love my beautiful stranger so much? I can't hold anything but love for him, no matter what way I look at the situation.

I hope he realizes this too...that he deserves his happy ending, whatever it may be for him.


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