When She Kicks

Do you know the feeling, in the pit of your stomach, when you are on a roller coaster and you're diving down some really intense drops, just free falling, and you feel that sensation that makes your adrenaline kick into high gear? Take that sensation and multiply it by one million. The roller coaster ride is absolutely nothing compared to baby kicks.

It has become an absolute thrill to feel her kicks. It is unlike any other experience, unlike any other feeling. Sometimes I feel as if she is going to fall out! haha! No, seriously! The sensations are so intense that it makes me stop and actually take in the experience, to be completely present, with no other distractions, just to feel her moving around, trying to get comfortable, nestling in a new spot.

I anticipate feeling her. It is just miraculous when I do. She tends to be active while I'm trying to sleep, which is why I'm up in the middle of the night. I take it that she is preparing me for when she arrives.

As the time passes, I am more and more grateful for the opportunity to experience being a mother. This is something I never thought would happen in my lifetime. But it is the thing that I am most grateful for. To know and experience the gift of motherhood will be my greatest accomplishment, and the hardest one, too.


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