Returning to Wellness

Returning to wellness is something that is ever evolving, ongoing, everlasting. We are consistently presented with circumstances and experiences that become checkpoints. If we are presented with a challenge, will we react the same way we did ten years ago? 5 years ago? Probably not. But if we do, then there is some reevaluation that needs to take place, and a time for healing required. We cannot live life in the same way we used to when it is always changing. If we do, we will miss out on opportunities for growth, expansion, evolution.

The point is to take each of those circumstances and experiences as stepping stones to where we are meant to be, with love in our hearts as we walk our sacred path. It is a unique path that is meant for every single one of us.

Maybe one day we will all find what we are looking for and understand who we are as individuals at the soul level. Peeling back all of the lifetimes of layers that do not serve our highest good is not for the faint of heart.

I understand that it can be difficult to decide what contributions we are making in this life that are detrimental to our wellbeing when all we have known is shit and most of what we have been exposed to has been consistent shit. Jaded viewpoints based off of our own self-induced prejudices and skewed perspectives have taken us to places we didn't know existed nor wanted to know exist.

It is like the tide. It comes closer and closer until it takes you in and under to an unknown depth of new discovery.

The important thing to know is that we are all doing the best we can with the scope of knowledge that we possess at any given moment; growing as we experience; learning as we experience; changing as we experience.

Letting go has not been more difficult than this present moment of trying to relinquish something that is no longer happening. It is a constant requirement to check in with self. I think our biggest critic is ourselves.

There are cycles throughout life if you pay attention. These cycles will continue to repeat themselves if you haven't learned the lessons that accompany those cycles. Once we have learned, a new cycle begins; each time in an attempt to level up, in an attempt to make peace with triggers, to then simply become the love we initially came into the world as.

The bigger question is...Can we become our inner child again even after all we have experienced?

I have hope that we can.


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