Year in Review 2019

We have about two weeks until we end another decade. 2019 has certainly been a life-changing year. I had just returned home from Puerto Rico and Minneapolis in time to celebrate New Year’s Eve. While in Minneapolis, I finally got to work with my beautiful friend, Lars Kommienezuspadt, who I love so much! He was able to squeeze me into his schedule for a photoshoot at his home. I have followed his work for years, and knew that he would be the perfect artist to capture exactly what I was looking for. He is the best of the best! The promotional photos he took would be used for the character I was playing for a theater production I was preparing for.

On my birthday, January 29th, I invested in a project that I am very proud and excited to be a part of, even if just a tiny part as an executive producer. The short film, Grummy, is a gothic fantasy short film about a young girl's flight from an abusive childhood into the realms of her imagination. There are things in life that you are naturally drawn to, and this project was one of them because of the similarities of her story to my own. Powerhouse couple, Micheline Pitt and R.H. Norman co-wrote and co-directed this deeply personal project. 

In April, I went to Viva Las Vegas for the first time and was finally able to meet Micheline in person, who I have loved and adored for such a long time. By then, they had already begun building the sets for Grummy. But a brief intermission happened due to the filming of Bill and Ted 3 that pulled Kevin Yagher away from the project.

About half way into the year, I met someone who I care about and love so deeply and unconditionally and now we are friends for life. This wasn’t before our decisions with each other led to creationism. And for me, our daughter is our greatest work of art. 

One of the life dreams I have had, has always been to sing and perform. It is something that has been in the forefront of my life in both 2018 and 2019 as I healed from previous trauma. This was my escape into my own world of learning how to use my voice. In June, I had the opportunity to sing live with some amazing artists who are my dear friends: Cynda Williams and James Wesley Williams. I didn't know at the time, but my baby girl was already growing inside of me. So it became an even more special occasion knowing later, that my baby was with me for my very first performance. 

In August, I purchased my first and very own home. City living changed to the suburbs. I knew that where I was living was just not good enough for my daughter. So I immediately began the search for a home. Believe it or not, the very first home I looked at, was the one I knew would be mine. To do something like this for myself, by myself, is nothing short of a miracle. I still sit in my house sometimes and look at everything to take it all in with so much gratitude. I have come so far by myself and I am so very grateful, knowing where I started and where I am today.

In September, I was asked to be the master of ceremonies for this year’s Welcoming Fort Wayne Diversity Awards. It was such a beautiful experience to be able to present awards to amazing people who serve our community in transformative ways. I was able to share some of my own story, crack some jokes, which I love to make people laugh, and I got to sing.

Later in September, I had the privilege of being invited to be an event moderator to our candidates that were running for our local offices. Hosted by the Indiana Democrat African American Caucus, I moderated for districts 1 and 3. Most of the candidates, including our beloved mayor being up for re-election, won the elections. So I am proud to be a part of that history.

In November, set visits for Grummy were impossible because I am carrying my baby girl and couldn’t travel. But Micheline FaceTimed me from Los Angeles so I could check out the amazing sets that were built by hand, and meet everyone, including Kevin Yagher, who is a horror genre genius, known for Freddy Krueger's makeup, Chucky, and the Crypt Keeper creature among so many others. I admit, I totally geeked out! It is artists like him that make up my childhood and the love I have for the genre.

Needless to say, the plans I had completely changed when baby girl decided she was ready to join my life. Things have been put on hold for a little while which is totally fine with me. She is the greatest gift of my life. The greatest gift. 

There are so many other things that happened throughout the year. I travelled to one of my favorite places: New York. I also travelled to Ohio, back to Minneapolis, and Indianapolis for mini trips for various reasons. L.A. was on the list, but couldn't happen because I was too far along with baby girl. I spent time with friends, had laughs, and ate some amazing food. I am happier more this year than I have ever been in my life. My life changes that are such profound changes are welcomed. I am so grateful and thankful for it all. I love the father of our baby girl so much. We have some big adventures coming to us both as we walk our separate paths. 2020 is going to be such a huge year.

This year proved to be all about the gift of life, the gift of love, and the gift of healing.


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