My Crystal Child

I know she’s getting ready. I know she knows what is to come next. I keep asking her when will she be here because I am at the point now where I miss her. I know, I know. It's strange because she is in me and with me every moment. But I am ready to have her in my arms now. The connection is so profound, it's unexplainable with words.

A couple of nights ago, I had a most intriguing dream. It alarmed me at first, but I pieced things together and was pleasantly delighted with what I realized was a message from my baby.

Dreams during pregnancy are unlike any others. They are, by far, in a league of their own.

I was in the kitchen of my former home. They say that dreaming about a kitchen is a strong omen of change and positive outcomes because it is the heart of the home.

I had discovered a clear crystal trying to come out of my belly. I was so concerned about it because it seemed so real! I would touch it and it would move like it wanted to come out of me. I made attempts to keep it in one place in my tummy and to push it back in. But it would keep shifting and moving. This clear crystal, with a little bit of blood on the tip of it, was determined to come out.

I panicked. It wouldn’t go back in. It made me reactive enough to wake myself up.

When I woke up, all I could think about was my baby girl. But very soon after I woke up, I knew she was a happy little baby because she was already moving around, almost as if she acknowledged my dream and my concern for her and to tell me that she was just fine.

My little bean is all grown up. The pure joy I feel. There is no greater love than this.


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