Divine Devotion

I don't know if I could ever be ready for it. What feels like a time warp seems to leave something unresolved. The bond of what this life offers with knowing that we will not meet in the next.

Separation. I step away and re-evaluate the internal conflict that tells me to never go back to what I know is soulmate status. Free will would have to be a determining factor in something that has no hope for the future to be anything other than the whim that it once was.

There is no doorway of opportunity to lead me to this frequency ever again. That door closed itself a long while ago.

Divine devotion. Why? I cannot comprehend my mind. What is this soul contract that I approved of experiencing in this life? Drawn to a ghost. Drawn to a memory. Knowing that this stops in this life is truly a liberation for when I come to. Never to meet again. What is there to get right in this one? I suppose this wine induced reflection creates a questioning that only time will provide its answer.

What are my wounds? I don't quite know. Not at this moment in time. All I know is the divine devotion I have to someone I don't even know. What does that say about me? I have truly gone mad. Call me Mad Hatter. I want to wear the hat.

To this stage in time, I salute you.

For that, it will always be.

I look at the beauty of what is, My daughter. And I can't help but love the soul lesson that ran away from the life that even free will could never convince is what would bring all the riches that life could ever dream to provide.



See? Poetry.

What poetry.


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