My Muse

What is your muse? Everyone has one. At least, from my experience, it seems like everyone does. It can change from time to time. It can be a thing or a person. My muse. My muse are some pretty amazing memories in time that I have kept with me, safeguarded in my heart. You know, those memories that take your breath away. The memories that you just don't forget. A person, an experience. When I look back, it's those memories that made me believe that love exists, however obscure it got within my own circumstances. They kept me going just by me knowing that it happened. It renews my faith every time I take time to look back. Certainly, we are told never to look back because we aren't going that way. But you know what? For me, I need to look back. It makes me evaluate my bullshit mentality that I grew up with and shows me how much I have changed. From one day to another, I keep looking back for consistency. I look back for follow through, for unconditional love. So many experiences have shaped me into this less than trusting girl that yearns to trust the journey to purpose fulfillment. My purpose is private. My purpose is between me and the universe; between me and God. 

My muse creeps in when I least expect it. It reminds me of what I need to consider. It reminds me of what I need to listen for. It comes back to show me just how loved I truly am. And it makes me smile to live another day.


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