Family is Everything

I can't say it's been easy at all. Most days, I feel inadequate, not good enough. But what changes my mind every time those thoughts make me stray is her laughter, her smile, her presence. She chose me. I was chosen! She has changed my life. My daughter has changed my life. My priorities have dramatically shifted. What I was chasing, I no longer chase. What I wanted, I no longer want. The desire to live to work is now my longing to work to live. All I want at this stage in my life is to be with my daughter. Being a single mother is excruciatingly difficult for so many reasons. I am ALWAYS preparing for tomorrow. If I don't, I add on to the exhaustion I feel with trying to keep up with everything. I am making some drastic moves. I am making some drastic decisions. I know what I deserve and what I don't deserve. All I wish for, is to spend as much time with my daughter as I can. I already miss out on 8-9 hours every single day because I have to provide for us. I don't want to miss more time. 

This life overhaul has become a complete rehab in a sense. My priorities and goals are completely different. I am not anything like the wounded girl that chased certain things for the wrong reasons. I know what I want. And what I want is my family. My baby; the most amazing little person that I have been given to take care of. The love I feel is overwhelming now that I am free from the fear of me risking everything I know. 



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