
Wow. So here we are. Here it is. Bam! Right in your face. LOVE. Will you shy away from it when it appears? Will it scare you? Will you trust it? Will you go for it? Wow. It's such a complex word, yet so simple and pure. To allow love is to allow life. Are you truly living?

As I have lived my life experience, it always goes back to that one word: LOVE. I've learned so much in my 38 years. I've learned about things like abandonment, abuse, deceit, lies, illness, machismo, all of which were quite unpleasant. And it absolutely took me time to understand that none of it was real because none of it defined who I am.  I had a choice to take that baggage with me, or surrender to life and what life was trying to teach me at each moment in time.

I choose not to allow any of those experiences to define my character. I refuse to be detached and afraid to love and be vulnerable. The healing I needed in order to let go of all of my baggage has taken place.

I'm feeling romantic today for no reason other than I can truly say that I am proud that the traumatic lessons I have experienced no longer control my life. To experience life at this point is incredible.

It's the first day of spring equinox.

Love is in the air.

Take a deep breath. Feel your soul. Honor it. Love.


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