
Releasing has been a spiritual journey for the history books. I am owning everything I still need to work on and I am doing the spiritual pilgrimage to my own personal energy healing. There was so much to sift through. The spiritual teachers that have been a part of this journey, I will forever be indebted to and grateful for because I don't think I would have been able to do it on my own. I understand that I deserve to be the best version of myself to reach my highest potential, living my life driven by my purpose.

What no longer serves me, I bid you, adieu. And I mean that for real. I refuse to continue to expose myself to what hurt me in the first place. That would be self-torture at its finest; self-inflicted. Why would I need a constant reminder?

When you keep revisiting something, it means that another evolution must take place, a reflection to gain a new understanding of something you thought you had under control. It's interesting to me how that happens.

What else do I need to know when I revisit this experience or circumstance?
What else do I need to let go of?
Has it served its purpose now?
Can I let it go now?
Can I truly lay it to rest once and for all without having to come back to it?
Can I forgive myself for this circumstance?
Can I forgive myself for the perceived lack?
Why do I have a problem with this?

I'm not here to be someone for someone else. I am here to be me for me.

I realize this blog has kind of opened a can of worms in a sense. And I realize that each of my entries has been a purging process of things that clearly were impactful in my life, and clearly no longer serve my highest good. I am none of these memories even though I have been a part of all of them. I understand that I am now the observer of these past behaviors. I want to build new memories that are sourced through pure love; where there are no holes in my soul and no fear to steer me in the wrong direction.

I get it now.

I’m ready.

The empress has arrived.


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