For the longest time, having children was a fear of mine. I didn't want any for so many reasons. As life progressed, I learned that it was my biggest desire to have a real family of my own, and to find someone who truly understood what it meant to co-exist in a partnership. I am as independent as they come, and a person who completely loathes co-dependency after years of thriving on it in some way, shape, or form. The validation I needed from my exes was due to my own insecurities which I have since overcome and realized that I was indeed co-dependent. I do not and have never denied my brokenness. There was a time I didn't know it was not just them; it was me, too. I had to take responsibility to heal all of those layers that stunted my growth and made me allow men to treat me like shit. Throughout the years of abuse I have endured, those experiences jaded me in the sense that, I would have to really work to heal all of the trauma in order to be in a space where I could even ...