Victory of God's Truth

My angel.

She defines victory.

She defines truth.

And she knows it!

I look at her as the greatest gift of my life. I look at her as someone that is supposed to live, and that without her here at this moment, floating around in my tummy, a ripple effect would prevent future destinies from occurring for her and others.

As a much younger person, I used to see life as us "not being asked to be born," but I no longer see it that way. I see it as a window of opportunity to fulfill destinies that are supposed to happen in this lifetime.

My story is quite similar. I wasn't "supposed" to be born because my father made my mother have her tubes tied, burned, crimped, or whatever happens during that procedure. She let him decide the fate of her body even though she wanted a million babies. But, I was still born over a decade later, with my identical twin sister. That's the power of destiny.

I will never allow a man to tell me what to do.

I've never felt stronger about women's rights. I do believe that everyone should be able to have a choice and I think everyone has the right to their choices. However, this experience has really made me take a firm position on this topic. There is no "maybe;" there is no in between. I believe that everyone is born for a reason. And it is something so sacred that I cannot see it as trivial.

Whether intentions are pure or impure, karma and karmic debts are created as a direct result of those intentions. You cannot hurt someone without it coming back to you. Karma sees everything. Karma knows what is in your heart. Karma knows what to do. And karma does not hesitate to do it.


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