The Visitor

They came to me in a dream. A tall white man wearing a white suit, unlike I've ever seen before. The fabric of his suit was not of this world. It was truly special. He was walking toward me with a beautiful little girl holding his hand. I was somewhere where there were trees surrounding us. I remember I had been there with the trees for some time, speaking with them, telling them how thankful I was for them saving my life somehow. It was the most incredible dream. He let go of the little girl's hand and walked toward me to rest his head on my chest, and hugged me in the most loving embrace. He knew I was pregnant. We looked at each other with such warmth, as if it was a reunion of some kind. It seemed as if the man was bringing her to me, to show her to me. It was my baby girl. My beautiful baby girl. She looked just like me at around four years old. I had long dark brown hair, too. They say the vivid dreams that pregnant women have are so intense. But this was truly a mi...