The Art of Letting Go

I think the hardest thing for me throughout this process has been the knowing that I must let the father of my child go. Yeah...I'm still trying to let him go. He doesn't know that though. I refuse to tell him. I would rather take it to my grave. I know he's been done with me for a while. Well...since we found out I was pregnant. It must be a memory, it must be a feeling, it must be a soul tie. Something. What do I miss? Hell, I don't even know. I barely know him anymore. I barely knew him to begin with. But there is a sentimentality there, still. Knowing what could have been...knowing what was supposed to be...knowing what our soul contracts were. And knowing now that it will never happen because of what he said and how he views the mother of his children, and now me. I don't wish to hold on to that anymore. It's too painful for me. To process the fact that he does not believe in trying to continue to build a relationship with the mother of his child kills me...