You Are My Sunshine

Well, here we are. Today I'm officially on month 9. The journey within this time has been transformational, to say the least. Decisions were made. My new life path has been shown. The dreams and goals I had now include my new human; and I wouldn't want it any other way. I keep saying, she is all I have ever wanted love to be. And I mean that with all of my heart and soul. She has gotten me through this. She has gotten me through my times of confusion and my questioning. She has gotten me through my ugly cries, too. Most of all, she has made me who I am today, full of gratitude with the reality of her and the reality that she chose me to be her mama. We are in this together.

To the path that will show itself upon her arrival, I embrace every new thing that is about to happen. She is my sidekick, my mini me, my beautiful baby, my everything. We are at the home stretch, my little one.

I told myself I would start a countdown for baby girl after my birthday rolls around. But the countdown will be short lived because within a 14 day window, possibly less, she will be here, in my arms, and I will be singing to her, "You Are My Sunshine."


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