The Return to Innocence

Lately I have been doing my best to not take life so seriously. Don't get me wrong, I take life seriously. I have to adult every day. I have to show up. I wear my "big girl pants." And all that adult-like stuff where people put expectations on me and I put expectations on myself. But what life has shown me is to lighten the f*&^ up. So I try to laugh as much as possible. I try to make others laugh as much as possible as well. I'd like to think I'm pretty damn funny. With all of the seriousness that is plastered everywhere and all of the hate and fear that is thrown in our faces, I am far from trying to be anything but light and airy. I'm tired of all of the seriousness. And it's funny because I live life pretty damn deep. But for the masses, seeing how angry, stressed, exhausted, conflicted, <<insert adjective>>, a rewiring of the state of mind of the brain can change everything. Our best lessons for staying light can come from children. ...